Transport and Logistics
Transport and Logistics include industries within passenger transports; freight forwarding; warehousing and storage; and postal and courier services. The transport and logistics industry, as one of the prominent service sectors of Hong Kong, always maintains its competitive edge in both of the international air freight traffic, and throughput of its container port. In the wake of the fast growing passenger transportation network in Hong Kong, the success and efficiency of Hong Kong’s MTR system has turned it into a model for other underground systems across the globe. The infrastructure projects between Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta Region such as Hongkong-zhuhai-Macao Bridge and Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link, the connectivity brings by these projects will benefit Hong Kong from several aspects such as strengthening Hong Kong’s position as the logistics centre, perfecting the regional transport network and the most important is encouraging deeper economic integration in the Greater Bay Area. In view of rapid development of Greater Bay Area and China cross-border e-commerce, many transport and logistics companies are actively looking for young talents to join the industry especially in these new areas. After all, logistics and trade is one of the four pillars of Hong Kong’s economy.