About Us
VTC「專+導航」Campaign was developed for outreaching to secondary schools through life planning education with an aim to raise the public awareness towards Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET) and recognition of its value. Maintaining close connections with various industry sectors, VTC possesses latest industry information and strong support from industry professionals.

Developed for junior and senior secondary students, secondary school teachers and parents
A series of industry-oriented thematic activities has been developed to facilitate life planning education. The objectives of the activities are enabling students’ self-understanding and equipping them with the knowledge of further studies and career pathways. Students can gain an understanding of different industries through taking part in the career exploration activities ranging from work experience programmes, industry visits and professional talks to competitions and interactive workshops which are designed based on the District Development Networks (DDNs) of the Business-School Partnership Programme.

A mobile experience centre to schools
The VPET Mobile Van embarks on the life planning education journey with all secondary school students in 2024 through interactive games and activities. Stay connected with us!
A life planning resource pack to classrooms
Looking for informative and inspiring articles on industry development and study opportunities? The newsletter brings you information about industry trends and helps you explore your study pathway in an interesting way.