Sports & Fitness Coaches
Sports & Fitness Coaches instruct or coach amateur and professional athletes the skills and techniques of sports. They evaluate athletes' strengths and weaknesses to improve their technique to prepare them for competition. They are responsible for scheduling, organising, and conducting practice sessions and physical conditioning programs for athletes or teams; analysing the strengths and weaknesses of individual athletes and opposing teams, so as to develop game strategies and tactics; participating in planning and co-ordinating competition schedules and programmes; formulating competitive strategy and directing athletes during athletic events; analysing and evaluating athletes' or teams' performances and adjusting coaching techniques accordingly; demonstrating and monitoring the safe and proper use of sports and training equipment; instructing athletes on proper techniques, game strategies, sportsmanship, and the rules of the sport; keeping records of athletes' and opponents' performance; identifying and recruiting potential athletes by meeting with recruits, and arranging and offering incentives, such as athletic scholarships.
typically have a bachelor's degree in sports management, or physical education and recreation management, or sport and recreation management, or equivalent
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